Life is fairly chaotic at the moment, in fact it would be fairly accurate to describe it as bedlam.
We've spent every spare moment packing up the house. I think we're about 75% done now, which is a great achievement as we still have 11 days to go, but it's made me realise that we actually really do own a lot of useless rubbish.
As well as packing alot, we have thrown away, given away, sold and donated a lot of our old stuff. What's left is just what we need on a day-to-day basis: a few clothes, kitchen appliances, toiletries, stationery, etc. That means the 75% of stuff we've packed in the billions of boxes is what, exactly??
Once we get to the new house I'm aiming to have another big throw out.
With so much sorting, packing, organising and cleaning going on, there's been little time for other things. I am missing my regular fix of Zumba and my once-regular mountain walks have dwindled to maybe once a fortnight.
But I still LOVE starting my day by climbing up to watch the views whenever I can. On a clear day I can see right across to the snow-capped mountains on the South Island. It always looks different when I'm up there, depending on the season.
I'm also still finding snippets of time for coffees with the other mums whenever I can! As a freelancer I do miss the chance to chat to office colleagues whenever I want to. Skype meetings and chatter via social networks are my version of the "water cooler" discussions, but you still can't beat a regular gossip over coffee!
Meanwhile the kids are coping amazingly well with having most of their toys packed away. In fact, now they're older, I don't think they actually need quite so many toys, and although we've given a lot away lately and reduced down to just 5 toy boxes, I still think we'll be reducing it further once we get in the new house.
All Molly really wants these days is a cupboard full of arts & crafts, a bedroom full of clothes and accessories, and some music (she is glued to her recorder these days, loves playing keyboard, and is usually attached to her MP3 player).
And all Alfie really needs is something to kick or throw or ride, a few electronic games, and his Bey Blade set. He's a very sporty little chap and came first in his school Cross Country Run last week. He's also completely embraced Ripper Rugby this season, he usually scores a few tries at each match, and was awarded Player of the Day this week (oh ok, so actually they take it in turns so that each kid gets a go at being Player of the Day - but he doesn't know that!).