The holiday period is over and it’s back to work – boo! – and things are incredibly chaotic in the Hughes-Downing household at the moment.
I’m the second to admit (Jake’s always the first!) that there’s a long list of things I am no good at. My lack of spatial awareness and poor map reading abilities being amongst the most frequent causes of arguments in our household. But I have long been renowned for my thoroughness and attention to detail.
Not any more!
With life at the moment containing far too much in it for one person to properly manage, things are no longer getting done to our usual standards. Hence the very dirty kitchen floor, the lack of balanced meals for the family, dirty children, late invoicing to my clients, late birthday cards (sorry Dad!), library fines, the grocery shopping not being done until 10.30pm last night (thank goodness for the modern retail environment and long opening hours!), the overflowing laundry basket, and the huge pile of overdue paperwork at the moment (a big sorry to our accountants and to our British bank – although I doubt you are going to accept a formal apology through this blog?).
Not to mention the fact that there are still a rather large number of things to do on the wedding planning front (148 on the To Do List at the last count).
AND - there is no gin in the house!
So, if there are any blog followers out there who are expecting phone calls, birthday cards, or anything else from us, please bear with us – we are either just running late with it or we have more likely completely forgotten and we are very very sorry!
Having said all that, Nana Jenny has now arrived to stay for 2 months, so we have childcare for the rest of the school holidays which is a HUGE, massive bonus – so big thanks to Jenny for easing some of the pressure!
The kids are loving all the adventures their Nana takes them on. Meanwhile, I am trying hard not to ask what they are currently doing in our garden with two car tyres (where did they find them??), a piece of rope (again, where did they get that from?), a very large bucket of water and my new luxury handsoap.
Anyway, given the above circumstances, I am temporarily checking out of the blogging world until the Government officially changes the length of each day to 54 hours long....
We miss Nana Jenny! Please send her to Qatar afar her stay with you. There is always room for her and we'd love to have her to stay!