Sunday, December 9, 2012

Concert Season

It’s a crazy time of year.

Over the last week we’ve had daily Christmas/birthday/end of year/leaving parties to go to (in fact often it's been more than one a day) and our children have been in so many concerts and performances that the muscles around my mouth are aching from smiling so much and my hands are sore from clapping! 

Molly’s school Christmas concert last week was beautiful - 140 children all dressed up, dancing and singing. Molly had spent the morning sleeping off the last of her various viruses and was clearly still a little bit sleepy during the concert, but she desperately wanted to be there and she really did give it her absolute best effort, despite still not having much energy.

Alfie’s pre-school Christmas celebration the next day was fun and I LOVED it. He had the very important job of holding up a cardboard box racing car during one of the songs – the kids had made up their own version of The Twelve Days of Christmas, which went something like this: 

“On the first day of Christmas, Santa gave to me....ten skateboards flipping, nine spidermen climbing, eight racing cars, seven Dora glasses, six watches ticking, five toy snakes.....four fairies dancing, three teddy bears, two unicorns and a bath tub full of chocolate”. Cute!

Molly also had her ballet concert last week, in which she was AMAZING and such a joy to watch. The theme was modern music/dance in the 21st Century, and I think she really enjoyed performing to something a bit fun and different.

At the end of the show the girls in her class were all presented with their Grade 1 certificates (she passed!) which was a very special and proud moment for her (and us too).

And today she's had her end of year gymnastics display. The older girls in her gym club were amazing, and I actually felt like I was watching real Olympic gymnastics!

But Molly's group are the youngest in the club - so they did a basic forward roll, backward roll, handstand routine to the Chariots of Fire theme tune. Very cute!

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