This school year has passed by SO quickly. I still can't believe it's over. #indenial.
The last week or two at school went by in a blur of fun for both kids, full of sports and games and hikes up the mountain and play sessions at the pool and candy canes and Christmas cards and Secret Santas and visits to next year's classrooms and zero actual real work at all.
Our school has a great community and the parents are very involved, particularly in all the fun stuff - so this week I've felt like I've been up at the school more than I've been working. One day Alfie's class had a special lunch. The next day the whole school had a family picnic. Then there was a special swimming session for the parents to watch. Etc etc.
I love being able to join the kids at their school events, but it takes a toll on my workload and I've had to spend most evenings this week at the computer instead - it's not really how I want to spend my evenings at this time of year, but a glass of wine beside me always helps a bit!
In the middle of all this excitement, Molly had her end-of-year ballet show. This year's show was The Lion King and Molly was a water buffalo. One 3 hour dress rehearsal and 2 performances later and she was exhausted but buzzing! The show was fantastic, and we were so proud of her!
Back at home, and both kids are really appreciating our lovely backyard now we've got such long summer evenings. Alfie in particular loves kicking and throwing things around. Our poor neighbours must be getting so fed up with throwing his soccer ball back over the fence every day. His afternoons usually go something like this: he gets the toys out of the garage and starts off playing soccer. When all the balls are gone over the fence, he gets out the badminton set, and once all the "cuttleshocks" are stuck on our roof, he gets out the frisbee. And so it goes on...
As if all that wasn't enough, Molly's been staying up late each night blowing bubbles....
and sneaking strawberries off the bush!
So now we're on the first day of the school holidays. At 10.45am this morning I was enjoying a little cup of coffee after a big gardening session, while Alfie hit some more "cuttleshocks" onto the roof...
and Molly - who didn't even get out of bed until 9.40am - is STILL in her pyjamas, conked out under the tree. I think perhaps we are all in need of a rest for Christmas!
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