Molly turned 9 a week and a half ago. To tell the truth, we are still in a bit of shock about this. But it was a great day - despite having to go to school and swimming lessons ;)
She began the day by opening some presents and was completely delighted to find a new scooter in the pile (thanks Matt, Sam, Tilly & Joe!) as her old one has been missing a wheel for at least 6 months.
For the first time in years, she was ready to leave the house early so she could scooter to school!
She began the day by opening some presents and was completely delighted to find a new scooter in the pile (thanks Matt, Sam, Tilly & Joe!) as her old one has been missing a wheel for at least 6 months.
For the first time in years, she was ready to leave the house early so she could scooter to school!
When we got home, Alfie decided to make her a birthday cake, *mostly* by himself and decorated it as he thought best for a girl. She loved that he did it - well done Alfie!
We have a little tradition that on your birthday you get to choose that evening's dinner. Molly asked for Eye Fillet Steak cooked medium rare (?!!) with kumara roasties and salad.
Molly, it was delicious but you should be aware that your choice has bankrupted us for the moment and we'll be eating beans on toast for the remainder of the month.
And as if all that wasn't enough excitement, at the weekend we held a birthday party. Every year we've told Molly it's the last party she's getting, and next year she has to pick just one friend and we'll take them out to do something like rock climbing or the movies. Every year she persuades us that she really needs 12 friends to come to the house for a noisy and messy party instead.
This year's party had a World of Wearable Arts theme. The cake definitely wasn't my best one to date, but a red carpet made of icing and some Lego people gave the right effect (sort of)!
Jake borrowed a *real* red carpet from work and we laid it down in the lounge room. We think Hobbits and other similar celebrities have probably walked on it in the past....
For the party, we provided a few boxes of fabric and recycling materials, and let the girls create their own wearable arts. There were some great creations - including an amazing 3-person dragon!
And some not so great creations, involving tin foil, empty Coke bottles and toilet rolls (What WERE you, Jake?)
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