Today, for example, was the first day of winter and my car thermometer read 26 degrees this afternoon.
However, over the last couple of weeks we had a big cold front pass over the country, This means we've had some very chilly Saturday mornings on the soccer pitch where temperatures have been almost in the single digits - agggghhh! Thank goodness for ski socks.
Then, here's how crazy it is - a few days later, here we are today (a public holiday) spending all afternoon playing on the beach! It's very hard to get dressed in the morning sometimes!
A couple of weeks ago we had another stunning Sunday - you really can't beat Wellington on a good day, as they say. The kids had been asking for months if we could hire a crocodile bike and we decided it was a great day for it (well ok, we had a 50% off voucher which was about to expire) .
We had so much fun driving around the waterfront and over to Oriental Bay. Every member of the family had a go at being in charge of the steering wheel - except me :( - and there were some very hairy moments, but we had such fun!
Molly went for her first haircut in about 2 or 3 years a couple of weeks ago. There's only one lady in Wellington that we know of who can do hair cuts on wigs and she happens to be a hairdresser who has alopecia herself. The perfect person as she understood what to do on so many different levels.
Molly really wanted to keep the length of her beautiful hair, so we got her to tidy it up and put some long layers in.
This lady was AMAZING - she totally understood everything Molly would be feeling, so she spent some time french pleating her hair, curling it, straightening it, and just generally prettying Molly up for a while and trying different looks out on her. You should have seen the smiles!
After paying (alot) for Molly's hairdresser experience, Jake decided to save money and get the clippers out for Alfie at home. Unfortunately something has gone wrong with the clippers since he last used them and within seconds there were screams of pain coming from Alfie and some almost bald patches on the side of his head. So the clippers were quickly put away and I had to take him to the hair dressers and ask if they could fix him up. Unfortunately the lady shook her head sadly/despairingly and gave him a trim but couldn't hide Jake's accident. So he's been wearing hats until it grows out.
Alfie's hairdresser kept admiring Molly's beautiful hair and saying she wished she could grow hers as long as that. Hee hee! Molly and I were holding it in with difficulty but as soon as she walked away we cracked up! ;)
Other news - last weekend Jake and I went out partying. My friend Bridget held a Charity party to raise money for Oxfam. Sounds very posh, and we do live in these posh mountain suburbs, but it wasn't really. Just a super fun night - and over $4000 raised.
We pulled together a lovely table of people and we talked, we laughed, we played in a photo booth, and we danced until nearly midnight. I didn't know we still had it in us!
And finally, the sunsets over the last few weeks have been AMAZING. Apparently the stunning colours are due to ash from a volcanic eruption in Chile?
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