Monday, May 30, 2011

First Day at Another School

Poor old Molly. She's changed school a fairly large number of times for someone so young. She manages to deal with it all so positively every time though, she's a strong little thing.

It was her first day at school (in Wellington) today. And she truly seemed to love it. She came out of class with an enormous grin on her face and immediately bundled into Alfie and gave him the longest and biggest cuddle I've ever seen.

She did beg to wear her old school uniform this morning, but as it was designed to be worn in the desert it wouldn't have been particularly suitable in this climate and we persuaded her to go with lots of layers instead! It's a little odd seeing her go to school in normal clothes, but very few schools in Wellington have a uniform.

We've been trying to piece together exactly what she did today, but some of the stories are a little confusing....we do know that she did PMP (PE to us oldies!), more cross country running, computers, maths, and learnt to write New Zealand print letters (which are different to Northern Territory cursive letters). She also might have planted some seeds with some older kids at lunchtime, but we're not entirely sure how much of that story was her imagination. I'm sure we'll find out given time!

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