Thursday, February 2, 2012

Year 2

It was a big relief all round today.

Molly went back to school – her first day in Year 2. For the last few days she’s been a complete bag of nerves, not sleeping at night, snapping at everybody like a teenager, telling us she didn't want to go back to school, and occasionally confiding that she had butterflies in her tummy.

But her new teacher was a HUGE hit and when Alfie and I arrived to collect her at 3pm she told us she didn’t want to come home and wanted to stay at school because it was so much fun and the teacher kept smiling and winking at her (?).

Meanwhile, Alfie spent the day doing very odd things around the house like tying all his soft toys to the swing and practising the haka wearing nothing but his sister’s jewellery. His gymnastics classes started back today as well and he has a new coach this term – a man with no hair, who is apparently the coolest coach ever.

So we have a happy boy and a happy girl. 


  1. liking Alfie's style!! Molly looks like you Wendy, so much xxxx

  2. And Alfie definitely takes after Jake!
