Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pigs/Pegs, Beer/Bear, Sun/Shade - our lives are complicated

We probably owe a few apologies to the people of Wellington today.

Last night we invited everyone to come over and help us polish off the last of the wedding wine. It was a great evening, but it didn’t end until 1am and I know for a fact that there were a lot of sore heads this morning and pharmacies throughout town were in danger of selling out of Nurofen!

Not only that, but we still have 5 cases of wine left (we’ll have to do it again soon then!)

With mild hangovers ourselves, we spent the bulk of today dragging ourselves around open homes as our next project is to buy ourselves a home to live in. Wellington's an interesting place to buy a house in. The topography of the city means you have to take a lot of time to work out how the sun moves around the mountains and whether you'll get any or not. And if you are going to get the sun, will it be during a time of day when you're all out of the house, or will you get the afternoon/evening sun? 

In our local area, your house is also fairly likely to be built into the side of the mountains and any land you have is therefore likely to be quite steep. Not always useful for kicking a soccer ball around or riding a bike. 

Anyway, four houses later and we were already feeling a little despondent as we quickly realised the type of house we are aiming for is going to be about $200k-300k over our budget. It could soon be time to revise our expectations and plans!

Changing the subject, we are still struggling to understand our little boy’s Kiwi accent. This morning’s desperate cries of “I want my beer! Where’s my beer? Dadder, I can’t find my beer” initially created great shock for Jake and I, but we were later relieved to discover that he isn’t a 4 year old alcoholic after all. He just wanted his teddy “beer”.

This followed last week’s earnest explanation by Molly to Alfie that bacon is made out of pigs. “Real pigs?”, asks Alfie. “Really? Like the sort of clothes pigs you hang the washing out on the line with?”

It’s a cute accent, but we’ve got some serious misunderstandings going on in our house at the moment! 

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