Monday, May 6, 2013

Wellington's Sunday Food Market

Firstly, let me just say for the millionth can't beat Wellington on a good day.

You just really can't. And yesterday was really a good day. The sun shone, we pulled our summer clothes back out of the cupboards, got the sun cream out again, and drove down to the waterfront.

Wellington's waterfront has got to be one of my most favourite places in the city. Yesterday morning was a stunner. The water sparkled, the mountains looked sharp and crinkly, the sailing boats were out, the sun was bright and low, and the sky was the bluest blue.

Every Sunday morning in Wellington there's an open air food market by the harbourside that we just love.

For a start, you can get your fresh fruit & veggies there for a fraction of the price you pay at the local supermarket. It always seems much more tasty too. Yesterday a whole punnet of cherry tomatoes were wolfed down within 30 minutes by our lot! The bag of feijoas we purchased are currently in hiding so I can make sure I can eat some myself during the week!

It's also just a really great place to while away a sunny Sunday morning. You can get a very tasty brunch/snack there (particularly the Chinese dumplings, oh how we love the Chinese dumplings).

You can sit and drink a coffee in the sun while you watch the buskers - and there are always buskers, sometimes ordinary guitar playing ones, and sometimes really unusual elastic band playing ones or clever ones with string puppets that do portrait paintings.

The smells are amazing - coffee, bread, spices, fruit, fresh fish, pizza, crepes....Seriously, if you are a food lover, this is THE place to hang out in Wellington!

Apparently about 7,000 people attend the Sunday market every week and I must say, it feels like it! I think it's probably about the busiest place you can possibly go to in Wellington.

One of the things we love about living here is the lack of crowds and general relaxed and easy-going feel to life. But I'm always happy to endure a bit of crowding for Wellington's harbourside food market!

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