Friday, June 27, 2014

A Day In The Life of a Cat

As Bear and Ninja have become a very important part of our family, we feel they now warrant their own blog posts.

So we thought we'd begin with a day in the life of Ninja, which generally goes something like this....

Ninja's day usually starts off in the middle of a warm and comfy snooze, as he lies curled up with his sister on some pink cushions and blankets...."ahhhh, this is the life", thinks Ninja as he snores (loudly).

 But sadly you live in our house Ninj. It means your life is not so easy.

Generally what happens is this..... All of a sudden the sun comes up, the humans in the house get up, and you are rudely awakened by Alfie (always Alfie) who carries you off somewhere for a sleepy morning cuddle...

You are a very tolerant cat - for that we thank you!

When us humans leave the house to go to school/work, you and your sister usually dash out of the house, race around the garden like crazy things, and then you take up your regular position on the garden table, ready to hiss at the next door neighbour's cat if he dares to come over the fence.

During the day when I'm working from home, Ninja likes to come in and out, in and out, in and out (thank goodness we're having a cat flap installed later this week!), miaowing loudly all the time. I think it's his way of chatting. My peaceful working environment is never so peaceful these days.... but I do love your company Ninja!

After school he only comes inside if there aren't any friends coming back for a play. He doesn't like too many kids around (two are noisy enough!).

Sometimes Ninja, you help Alfie with his homework and sometimes you are forced to sit and watch the kids playing..... here you are watching them doing a Fashion Show.

Although he is a very good helper and a very tolerant companion, Ninja also likes to be naughty.

For example, he knows he isn't allowed in the bedrooms, but given half a chance he legs it into the nearest bedroom and onto the bed to snuggle up. Caught here with a very guilty look on his face!

Sometimes he likes to get up to mischief in other rooms too. The bathroom is a particular favourite - what IS it about the bath and the shower Ninja??

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