Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Recent Stuff

It's been a crazy busy time lately. We'll try to catch up a bit on what's going on here.

It was Anzac Day a few weeks ago, which means a long weekend. We had planned to go to the Dawn Service but because it was the centenary this year, it was a much bigger deal than usual and 40,000 people attended the service in Wellington. That's an insane amount of people for a city of this size! There was no way we'd be able to park and although we've got the train station on our doorstep, we decided to leave it for this year and take a weekend away instead.

So we headed up the coast to Waitarere Beach for a few days. And there we played. We played lots of tennis, beach soccer, tag, scootered, skateboarded. And occasionally we sat down and did some colouring in or read a book or went for an ice cream or to the pub for a G&T - but those parts didn't happen much. Mostly Alfie kept us moving!

The weekends away haven't ended there though! A couple of weeks ago, big thanks to my amazing husband, I managed to get a weekend away on a girls trip to Matakana, with some of my old antenatal group. Since we first met almost 10 years ago, between the four of us we've had 9 children, 2 weddings (soon to be 3), one divorce, 12 house moves (mostly mine), several jobs and a whole lot of other stuff.

We don't often get to see each other these days as we live in all corners of the country so it was great to catch up. We hired a bach deep in the bush where we were free to crank the music up and dance at 1am, sleep in as long as we liked, take dips in the outdoor spa at midnight under the stars, watch movies, and gossip, gossip, gossip!

Of course what goes on tour stays on tour and all that, so I can't say much more, but here are a few pictures...

Meanwhile, back at home Molly is now a responsible Road Patroller. This means every Tuesday we have to get up early and set up a road safety patrol outside school. I'm not quite sure how I got roped in to being a parent helper but my job is just to wear a flourescent vest and look pretty. Molly and her partner do all the hard work, with much loud shouting going on (These words ring out in my ears long after they've finished: "SIGNS OUT! CHECK! CLEAR! CROSS NOW!") - and much chatting too!

Molly also continues to train HARD at gym, with 5-7 hours a week at the club. Competition season is looming so they had a mock competition last week, complete with club uniforms, professional judges, the whole shebang. It went well, except her hair flew off during her bar routine. Lesson learnt - next time she needs to go without hair or I need to use more tape!

Alfie's been extremely busy too. He was delighted when he was awarded Fluffy the Kiwi (the class mascot) last weekend for sitting nicely and working hard. Alfie's been trying really hard for a while to earn Fluffy, so finally getting him was a huge deal. Well done Alfie!

Fluffy's job was to come everywhere with us for the
weekend, have photos taken and be written about.

He had a good time - he came to a soccer festival, visited the waterfront, climbed a tree and went to a Weta Workshop Crew Party where he met trolls, ogres, Gandalf and a whole host of other real people.

Molly and her friend Jess went horse trekking the other week, leaving Alfie and the younger siblings to play with ponies in the arena while they waited. Alfie and Abbie took turns leading each other around and even got a bit of a gallop in! They had a ball. I think the big sisters did too although they only stories they had were about horse poos. Obviously a source of great amusement.

Alfie's big new thing at the moment is that he's joined the local Keas pack (Keas is the junior version of Cubs & Scouts). He took a little cajoling as none of his friends from school go and it doesn't involve a ball and goal post, but within minutes he was hooked! He's been going for 5 or 6 weeks now, and was finally formally invested into the pack last night. So far he's been very proud and engaged - it's lovely to see this in Alfie! 

I have been studying lately, as Google require us professional digital marketers to requalify every year due to their fast changing products. It's been quite fun! I've done some of the study at my desk, some at the library, some in the cafe - and I took one of the tests on my bed with the cat, and passed!! 

It was Mothers Day here last week, and I had a very nice day indeed. Molly & Alfie woke early and dragged Jake in secret (except I knew) down to the dairy in their pyjamas to buy me the newspaper, then they brought it to me with a poached egg and some peppermint tea. Plus a lovely flower arrangement from the garden made by Molly. A very lovely way to start the day! I then got to choose everything we it was a coffee at Chocolate Fish Cafe and a play at Scorching Bay - where Molly did more gym training. And then home for dinner - cooked by Jake!! ;) 

And finally, Jake celebrated his birthday yesterday with a day at work, some chocolate, a game of backgammon and a birthday cake. This is what happens when you get to your forties. Personally I am hanging out for 45 when I will have my belated 40th birthday party....(a clever move as my aim is for everyone to think I am actually turning 40).

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