Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Weekend

We all got a bit of a fright this weekend when a 5.7 magnitude earthquake rocked Wellington. We’ve been in a few mag 3 and 4’s over the years but never anything as big as this one. According to official reports it was the biggest one to hit Wellington in 45 years. Never mind the timeline - it was seriously scarey.

Once we’d climbed out from underneath the beds and got the kids back to sleep, the wedding wine came out – sorry guys, but we needed to open a bottle to steady our still-shaking hands. Will replace it before the big day we promise!

Meanwhile, Jake continues with his torturous 3 hour runs up the mountains each weekend, always returning to the house begging for food and massages. While he was out yesterday there was a very special moment when I discovered Molly and Alfie had gone upstairs to sit quietly together by the window while Molly taught Alfie how to sew. So cute.

Other excitement this weekend included Molly’s ballet concert. She was simply awesome in her role as “Molly” from the movie Annie – well done Molly! (And well done to Alfie for sitting up the front so nicely with the other kids and giving your sister the biggest clapping in the world).

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